Creven’s Perspective – Part Three

Dreams are an odd thing to comprehend, as much as for myself as for normal human minds, but work much in the same was as my own Kitsune illusional powers do. Generally when you dream you actually perceive it as being real, tend not to notice the odd things about the dream, like not being able to remember how it actually started, this is the same as my illusions, however I am able to create the ‘dream’ which is why I never really dream properly as I’m always aware that it’s not real, lucid dreaming some people would call this, when you have the ability to control your own dreams.

Occasionally I do experience dreams when I am not in control, and from someone in my position it is very concerning and confusing, as much to me now as it was when I was younger, they seem more to be more like prophecies and visions with meanings which, as I have experienced, do actually have actions within reality. The first of such ‘dreams’ is as visually clear in my mind now as it was the morning I awoke from it, but now I know its full meaning.

The dream, as I shall refer to it, started with myself standing in a dark room, completely pitch black to begin with. I remember stretching my arms out trying to feel around, they felt longer than normal, and stronger too. I pulled them back in, wrapping them around myself, my shoulders, something was definitely different, everything was bigger, I’d grown quickly somehow.

Blinking into the darkness I tried to make out something, anything and only on turning around twice did I start to notice a small pale light. As I tilted my head to the left I took a few steps towards it, the light getting bigger, brighter, with a flickering orange glow to it. I recognised it as candle light, but I wasn’t sure why, my Father never used candles, no one I knew did, but it seemed familiar.

Once I reached the candle light I jumped back slightly, a face, a man appearing on the other side. I raised a hand to wave, and watched the man do the same, actually watched the face in front of me as it copied all my actions. Carefully a reached out across the top of the flame and felt cold mirrored glass, I had been looking at my own refection. I chuckled softly to myself, the sound deep and rich before leaning closer to the mirror.

I traced my hands across my face, watching my reflection do the same, noting the strong jawline, fair complexion both fairly normal and very similar to my Father. Of course it was my eyes and hair that mainly drew my attention, as they still draw everyone’s attention.  My eyes deep and dark, as dark as the room I was in, but with a small line of textured violet surrounding the blackness of my iris. I then moved my hands up and softly ran my fingers through my fringe, swept to the side, a standard haircut, but the colour, jet black running from my scalp but changing, merging, almost flowing and shimmering into purple, violet to be specific.

Purple a colour relating to imagination and spirituality, a colour said to stimulate the very core of the imagination itself, which inspires high ideals. Violet itself representing the future, the imagination and dreams, while being able to spiritually calm emotions. A colour which inspires and enhances psychic ability and spiritual enlightenment, also said to relate to a fantasy world, creating a feeling of a need to escape from normality, the ‘daydreamer escaping from reality’.

I lowered my hand but kept my eyes on the colour, an odd feeling began to surge through me. The colour was deeply familiar and meant something in relation to what and who I was. Suddenly I became distracted by the flame in front of me suddenly flashing, taking on a violet colour of its own. The flame grew, bigger and brighter in intensity causing me to take a few steps back and shield my eyes with my arm.

As I blinked towards it I heard a noise, a sharp scream, coming from behind me, or to the side or even above I couldn’t place it. Something brushed the back of my knee and I turned around quickly taking a sharp step backwards, the light around me suddenly failing, the room going black as I knocked the candle over. Glancing over my shoulder in its direction I watched the wax flow and roll across the floor, the violet gone, the substance emitting a blood red glow, gleaming from the floor.

The scream then came again, seeming from all around. On a sharp inhale of surprise I pressed my hands against my ears, while a subtle smell of iron filled my nose. The red glow grew brighter before all I could see was the red light, then a blinding flash.

When I opened my eyes it was not the red glowing room which greeted me but my Father’s face looking down, concern etched across his features. And that was that, my first dream, my first glimpse into what lay ahead within life.

(Thanks for reading – keep your eyes out for new posts Cx)

Part One Part Two – Part Three – Part Four